I once wrote about my ministry dream team. By that time, I had served a handful of churches as a full-time pastor. In each of those congregations there were faithful, spirit-led saints of God. They blessed me in many ways. I had thought if I had a chance to do some new form of ministry, I would want all these people with me. In that group were people of prayer and people of action. No, I didn’t include them because of what I could convince them to do. It wasn’t that I thought they could do a great job with some project. I trusted their bent toward prayer and communion and compassion. They’re my dream team because there’s no telling what kind of ministry they would pursue! Then it hit me. Jesus didn’t need a dream team. In fact, it feels like he chose people to be his disciples everyone else would’ve picked last. If at all. Yes, they blundered their way through ministry. But I’m a believer today because of them. You are, too. Churches and pastors do this, if we’re not careful. I’ve read many times the encouragement of large-church pastors. They say to imagine the person you want to come to your church. Picture that person. Give them a name. Then preach and reach out to that person. Before long, you’ll fill your church with people like that. But do you see the potential issue? That sounds more like target marketing than it does reaching out. I’m all for marketing as a tool to help communicate the good news of Jesus. The temptation, though, it to use it to build our own ministries. As a result, we surround ourselves with people who look and sound a lot like us. Not only do we build echo chambers, we might also be using people to get the ministry we desire. 1 Chronicles 12 is an example of David’s army growing. The text says “from day to day people kept coming to David to help him until their was a great army, like an army of God” (1 Chronicles 12:22). Notice David didn’t choose them. David accepted them (vs 18). There’s our reflection for today. Who do we ignore when we look for who we think is best to have with us? I thank God for saints who know their spiritual gifts and use them for God’s glory. But we don’t need a dream team. If God needed one, I wouldn’t be called up. What we need is to be open to the Spirit’s leading. Whom God brings to us is who we need. Stay blessed…john |
John Fletcher
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