Knowing the Lord does not count our sin against us, let us pray:
For when we need your loving kindness and forgiveness, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
For when our shame makes it hard to accept your forgiveness, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
For when we hide our sin from you, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
For when pain and trauma keep us from forgiving others, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
For when our pride and ego do not want us to forgive others, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
For when we forgive but do not forget, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
For when we cannot forgive ourselves, cover us with your mercy, Lord.
There is forgiveness with God. And so we rejoice. O God, may your Spirit make us glad to know the good news of Jesus, drawing us closer to your unfailing love. Amen