Chances are, you know what it means to “preach to the choir.” Preachers say that from time to time. It’s when they’re teaching something familiar to the church. “I know I’m preaching to the choir,” she’ll say. She doesn’t want you to think she thinks this is anything new. How can a pastor spend all week preparing for a sermon and come up with old news? Well, it’s good news, not new news. I’m sure Jesus repeated himself a few times. We know the apostles did in Acts. It’s only new news if it’s new to you. If it is, you’re probably not in the choir yet. And that’s okay. If I use the preaching-to-the-choir bit, I follow up with a reminder: The choir needs Jesus, too! Let’s not forget there’s always more to learn as we walk with God. Even the familiar lessons bring us closer to rediscovering the image of God within us. So, we learn together. When Paul defended his ministry in Acts 26, someone told him, “Too much study is driving you mad (Acts 26:24)! The writer of Ecclesiastes warns us that “there is no end to the making of many books, and much study wearies the body” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). There is a danger of study, we see. Beware if your love of God doesn’t precede your desire to learn the Bible. We can learn things about God for reasons that have nothing to do with our edification. For example, don’t take pride in reciting Bible verses while moonlighting as a gossip. Of course, none of that means we shouldn’t study or read more. Psalm 1 calls us blessed if we delight in the law and meditate on it day and night. Psalm 119–all 176 verses!–too, is an affirmation of knowing God’s wisdom. The new believer doesn’t read and learn to prepare for Bible quizzes. He does so to grow in grace and wisdom. When the preacher preaches to the choir, they need to know they should be growing in grace and wisdom, too. Maybe even more so. They’ve got new people to teach, guide and mentor! Here’s where this is coming from. I love the book of Ephesians. It is the church’s great reminder of the cosmic love God implanted within us. That love saved us and called us. The writer of Ephesians, traditionally considered to be the apostle Paul, says that Christ is our peace. That is, God didn’t save some people. God saved us all with the peace of Christ. Where there was once a barrier between us, the peace of Jesus has removed it. And here is the line that relates to what we’re reflecting on today: So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near (2:17). Everyone needed to learn about God’s peace. Even the choir. Today, you and I, no matter how long we’ve been walking with God, need instruction and wisdom. May we never think we’re too advanced to not be inspired by God’s word. Stay blessed…john |
John Fletcher
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