Victorious faith

1 John 5:1-5

The Reverend Adam T. Carrington died on January 26, 2023. He was a faithful witness to the Corpus Christi community. He won’t go down in church history as an internationally-known preacher.

But he made an impact here.

He impacted me, for sure.

Unfortunately, I can’t say we were friends. I only met him a couple of times. He and I should’ve been friends. I would’ve been better for it. Our interactions were short, but I could tell there was a passion within his soul. We said we’d touch base later, but you know how that can go.

We never did.

I admired his ministry. No, he wasn’t flashy or innovating. The conversations we had were mostly about how to reenergize ministry post-Covid. How to keep connections strong since people were still at home and not out as before. As far as digital ministry, he wasn’t doing anything exceptional. He seemed interested in a few of the tips I mentioned to him.

What he lacked in technological know-how he made up for a million times over with love for his people. That’s what came across in our interactions. His community was in trouble, and not just his church. They had been facing outside pressures for a long time and he stood as a defender of their rights as best he could.

He was a blessing.

And I know it was his faith that moved him forward. Not just a faith that says, “Jesus loves me.” That’s powerful enough. Knowing we’re loved is essential to understanding our place before God. But Brother Carrington knew Jesus loved all us little children of the world. Coupled with an assurance of God’s love, he had  a victorious faith that knew God has conquered the world.

Because of his strong faith, it didn’t make sense to watch people suffer. It wasn’t God’s will for people to be taken advantage of. So, he worked and he believed. I don’t know how far his ministry stretched. But I can tell you it inspired mine. Before you can have a faithful ministry, you have to have a victorious faith.

God uses the faith, the victorious faith of not-so-flashy, ordinary Christians like you and me to bring light and life to the world. Thank you, Brother Carrington, for witnessing that to us.

Stay blessed…john

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